Stocking Fetish – Sex Tales

Stocking Fetish – Sex Tales

Sex Tales, Erotic Stories, Porn Stories, XNXX Stories, Adult Stories, XXX Stories

Date: 1/2/2016, groups: Fetish, Taboo, Author: 5993, Rating: 100, supply: xHamster

Stocking Fetish

This dates back towards the first-time we recognized I had a love for nylons. This is certainly true as most readily useful I am able to remember. The start of my love for nylon stockings and pantyhose. From the once I ended up being a young, While siting inside my moms foot watching they felt so smooth and silky tv I was playing with her feet. It was a summer that is warm mother had been reading I was in my own underneath shorts she must-have liked the things I ended up being doing to her legs rather than asked me personally to cease. I became actually just starting to feel one thing strange in my own human body, like a tingling within my groin. Then your phone rang and she stated her friend Ella ended up being coming over, we liked ella she had been good in my experience, she had no c***dren for just what ever reason. Whenever she came over and her and mom had been siting in the dining table speaking over coffee, they certainly were both waring household dresses. We liked to stay beneath the play and table. The were was realized by me both without footwear even as we seldom would ware footwear in the home. I was siting with mothers legs between my feet as well as no matter what reason I became rubbing against her silky toes, now I happened to be experiencing something great. Thus I took my cock away from my shorts and ended up being rubbing on her stocking foot. I suppose whenever she knew something ended up being going down she smiled when she saw what I was doing on she looked. She told ella to check so when she did she stated we see you’re similar to my hubby. He does that all the full time. Chances are they just continued chatting. From that time I had the chance on I did this when ever. I then found out where mother kept her old stockings,. Even today we don’t understand why a lady wold keep old torn or laddered stockings, i obtained actually on my dick, a truly fantastic feeling not as good as rubbing it on mothers foot but all the same it felt good into it now and would take a stocking and rub it. I would personally put one in my jeans while house with mother. She said it had been okay as soon as we had been alone although not in public areas or if the f****y had been house, I became so delighted. In regards to a later someone in the f****y died out of town week. Mother delivered my s****rs to my aunt and I also went up stairs to Ella’s home, this woman liked me personally she ended up being just like a mom in my opinion. We had fun playing and tv that is watching she and all sorts of the women at that moment would ware complete fashion stockings we adored to the touch them. I became siting at ella”s legs rubbing them and laying on the ground resting my face to them. I made the decision to taste them they smelled so nice and tasted even better so I stuck my tong out and tried to lick the reinf***ement over her toes. She asked me personally if I that way and I also stated used to do, She then said her husband liked her stockings additionally and liked to accomplish this. She then explained that if I’m able to keep a secrete she would make me feel genuine good and I also asked exactly how. She told me personally to lay out at her legs and asked that she would let me lick the seam under her stocking, I called it the line if I would remove my pants. And so I did and adored licking her seam down and up her foot. Then she was taken by her other base and started initially to rub my cock along with it. It was the time that is first got an erection, tiny but the same.